Rainbow Kids

Rainbow Kids Mission
Providing peer support to children and adults grieving a loss from a difficult life event.
Rainbow Kids Staff
Rainbow Kids is an agency of:
United Way of Sheboygan County

Upcoming Rainbow Kids programs will be listed here.
Rainbow Kids provides peer support groups for children, teens, and adults who are grieving a loss due to death, divorce, separation, incarceration, abandonment, or deployment.
These10-week programs group participants with trained facilitators to address the issues confronted in family loss situations. This is not counseling.
The purpose of these support groups is to provide the participants an opportunity to share their feelings in an accepting environment supported by trained, caring, compassionate adults.
The aim of these programs is to:
Furnish the participant with an understanding of their new family unit
Assist in building a stronger sense of self-esteem
Direct them toward a healthy resolution of the changes that have taken place in their personal lives
Peer Support Programs
For children 5 years old through adults

The Need
Why do families need help in times of loss?
When a death, divorce, separation, incarceration, or abandonment occurs, it deeply affects everyone in the family. Parents or adult caregivers may be too overwhelmed by their own needs to provide the emotional support their children need. Parents need to understand and process their own grief and tune in to their child's grief. Too often, we grieve silently and alone.
Grief can surface in debilitating ways, including:​
A loss of self-esteem
A change in school or job performance
A closing down of communications
Children need and deserve support during the grief process because they do not have the life experiences and coping tools that adults have. Grief carried unresolved into adulthood can affect one's physical and emotional health, job performance, and the ability to develop healthy, lasting relationships.
Level I: Pre K through Kindergarten
Level II: 1st and 2nd Grades
Level III: 3rd - 5th Grades
Level IV: Middle School (6th - 8th Grades)
Adolescents need a change to express their feelings. They may be too unsure of themselves, however, to take the risk. Like adults, they fear rejection or lack of understanding. Because of their own pain, parents may have a hard time helping their hurting teens.
Level V: High School (9th - 12th Grades)
Adults are often overwhelmed by loss. This program helps participants understand and process their own grief. Parents may become more attuned to their child's grief, and with enthusiasm and love, recreate "family" again. The purpose of this program is to help adults mend the memories, heal the hurts, and once again have hope for a bright future. It is designed to have you take an honest look at the person you are today.
Level VI: Adult
Rainbow Kids volunteers serve as small group facilitators or site coordinators (the person in charge at the host church).
Facilitator trainings are offered prior to the program.
Volunteers must be adults (18 or older) who have a strong desire to help children or adults through a difficult time in their lives.
Volunteers must provide three personal references and undergo a background check.
Volunteer Facilitators Will:
Help shape a participant's self-image
Help shape a participant's values
Provide emotional support for the participant
Help each participant see that s/he is lovable just as s/he is
Qualities of a Facilitator:
Enjoys working with the age group s/he is facilitating
Is able to listen, communicate, and share self openly
Has motives of love, concern, and profound respect for others
Can accept negative emotion
Knows how to keep a confidence
Is capable of working well with others
Responsibilities of a Volunteer:
Attendance at an initial 1-1.5 hour facilitator training session
Availability for the duration of the program for which s/he has volunteered
If you have any questions/comments or for more information, please contact Terri Schultz.